ESU-13 is partnering with the Colorado non-profit Celebrate EDU to provide opportunities for youth with disabilities to explore the path of entrepreneurship. ESU-13 received a 2021 sub-award from the Nebraska Council on Developmental Disabilities (NCDD) to provide individuals with intellectual or other developmental disabilities the opportunity to pursue an employment path of their choice, which includes self-employment or entrepreneurship.
From February to May 2021, 75 youth participated in Celebrate EDU online entrepreneur education classes. Student surveys show that 90% are more confident in their future after taking the class and 92% learned about the type of work or job they want to have. Student comments include: “I learned what I am interested in and ideas for my own business,” “I learned that I am a hard worker,” and “I have an amazing work ethic.” An additional 75 students will be enrolled in the Celebrate EDU entrepreneur education class in fall 2021.
Students who participate in the project have the opportunity to further their entrepreneurship education by enrolling in additional Celebrate EDU classes. Surveys show that 79% of students are more interested in entrepreneurship and self-employment after participating in the class.
We can’t wait to see what amazing businesses will be launching in Nebraska in the future!!