Donate to Celebrate EDU

Support Entrepreneurship Education for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities!

Every dollar donated to Celebrate EDU goes to supporting our AWESOME students. Currently, funds are supporting The Celebrate Shop, program scholarships, and continuing to provide affordable access to online entrepreneurship programs!

You are changing the lives of people with disabilities!

Coney is an aspiring entrepreneur
Reid is a musician and podcast host
Ali is starting her own baking business
Allie is an artist that loves to color
Luis is an actor and filmmaker
Mariel owns an online boutique

Other Ways to Give:

Make a bigger impact by giving monthly

Join Trailblazer, a passionate community of monthly donors! By giving each month, you are investing in the long-term success of people with disabilities. Click here to join.

Donate to our Microgrant fund

A gift of $1,000 will fund a Microgrant for an aspiring entrepreneur. Learn more.

Give by check or to honor someone

We accept donations via check and are happy to honor someone with a gift in their name. Learn more.